
Loretta at Pedregal Los Cabos informs all visitors and users of this website, from the moment they make use of it, they immediately adhere to the terms and conditions set forth below. This website is subject to the provisions applicable to the legislation of the United Mexican States.

Privacy Policy

Loretta at Pedregal Los Cabos, is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of its online services.

Identity and Address

Loretta at Pedregal Los Cabos (Loretta), with address located at Callejón de Las Pilas manzana 42 lote 29 de la Colonia El Pedregal, del Municipio de los Cabos, Ciudad de Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S.

1.Personal data

Loretta's website will collect personal information from users who contact us through this means, which will be used to follow up on those requested by users. The following personal data will be the information necessary for the purposes described within this privacy notice, among the personal data, includes the "sensitive personal data" without limitation, it includes the following:

  • Full Name (Paternal Surname, Mother's Surname and First Name(s)
  • Home address (street, exterior number, and, if applicable, interior number, neighborhood, postal code, delegation or municipality, city or town, and federal entity)
  • Nationality
  • Date of birth and place of birth
  • Marital status
  • Profession or current occupation
  • Business Activity
  • Telephone number(s) referred for your location, if any
  • Email Address
  • The Unique Key of the Record of Population (CURP)
  • Contributor’s Federal Recor (RFC)
  • Personal Reference Information

  • Educational Information
  • Information as a member of trade unions
  • Health and Medical information
  • Training information
  • Safety & Environmental Testing information
  • Income information
  • Gender
  • Bank Account and Salary Information
  • Tax Identification Number
Legal Entities
  • Name or Company
  • The commercial activity or corporate purpose
  • Contributors Federal Record (RFC)
  • Address – Street, exterior number, and if applicable, the interior number, neighborhood, postal code, Delegation or Municipality, City or Population and Federal Entity
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Nationality
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail or website address, if applicable
  • The name and nationality and information of the person who, with his or her signature, may oblige the legal entity to enter into the transaction, and may be: the administrator or administrators, director, manager, legal representative or legal representative.
  • This personal data will be collected in compliance with the provisions of applicable law, provided that the parties provide such data voluntarily.

2.Confidentiality and Processing of Personal Data

Confidentiality: Personal data, including sensitive data referred to in the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, which are provided to "Loretta" by our users with tacit consent, whether physical, electronic or by any other means, are handled and stored confidentially.

In addition, through technological means and internal protection procedures, "Loretta" constantly makes its best efforts to maintain the security of the Personal Data that is provided to "Loretta" to prevent unauthorized access to it. Processing of Personal Data: In accordance with the provisions of the Law, the collection, use, storage or disclosure of Personal Data is considered to be the processing of Personal Data. The processing of personal data by "Loretta" will be limited to the fulfillment of the Processing Purposes provided for in this Privacy Notice and will be subject to the following:

  1. If it is intended to process your Personal Data for a purpose other than the purposes of this Privacy Notice, Loretta at Pedregal Los Cabos will require to obtain your consent for such purpose, again.
  2. It will be the one that is necessary, appropriate and relevant for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice.

3.Purpose of the processing of Personal Data.

Through this Loretta Privacy Notice, you declare that your personal information will be used to provide the services and products you have requested, such as reservations, or any other transaction related to the provision of services in restaurants, bars, preparation of all types of food, social and family events, private parties, among others; notification of new services or products related to those already purchased; evaluate our products and services in order to improve the quality of our products and services; evaluate the quality of the service we provide, and in general, to comply with the obligations we have entered into with you. Loretta may share or transmit information with members of the group to which it belongs or with third parties so that they can send you information about their products and services generally.

4.Acceptance of the processing of Personal Data.

Our clients and/or holders of Personal Data must give us tacit or express acceptance in order for Loretta to carry out the Processing of Personal Data, which may be carried out through electronic means or in person as described below:

  1. Through Electronic Media.
    • Published on Loretta's websites. The Privacy Notice will be published on Loretta's websites, so that once you are aware of the content, you grant or deny your consent for Loretta to carry out the Processing of Personal Data.
    • Loretta will send the Privacy Notice by email in accordance with the information provided, and once it is made aware of its contents, grant or deny us your consent for Loretta to carry out the Processing of your Personal Data.
  2. On a personal level
    When Personal Data is obtained personally from the owner, Loretta will inform you of the Privacy Notice at the time your Personal Data is collected through the Formats that Loretta uses for such purposes, in which it will obtain the consent or refusal of the owner to submit such data to the purposes of processing established in the Privacy Notice.
  3. Tacit Acceptance
    In accordance with the provisions of Article 35 of the Law, the content of this Privacy Notice, as well as any modification or addition to it, will be made known to you by any of the means established in the sections in paragraph 4 above, and in the event that you do not express opposition to the content and scope of the same within a period of 2 (two) months, From the date on which Loretta informs you about the Privacy Notice or its modifications, it will be understood that you grant your tacit consent for Loretta to process your Personal Data based on the Purposes of Processing established in the Privacy Notice.
  4. Retroactive Acceptance The Privacy Notice will be made known in accordance with the provisions of Sections a) and b) above, to customers who have provided their Personal Data prior to the notification or publication of this Privacy Notice, in order to grant or deny their consent (express or tacit) to Loretta so that it can or cannot continue to carry out the Processing of their Personal Data based on the Purposes of Processing established in the Privacy Notice.

5.Limitations on Use and Disclosure of Data

Personal Data that you provide to us through lawful or legitimate means is handled properly and confidentially. Personal data will be used and disclosed for the purpose of fulfilling the purposes set forth in the "Management" section of this Notice, as well as for statistical, dissociated means and for the improvement of our products, services, operation, activities and even with respect to updating the contents published on the website.

Personal Data will be transferable to third parties in order to comply with current legal obligations, comply with a judicial or judicial decision, and for as long as is necessary for the operation and functioning of "The Company". In the event of the transfer of personal data, this will occur through legal means and instruments that guarantee an adequate level of protection and security measures for such data.

Loretta will take necessary and reasonable steps to de-identify the personal data provided to Loretta when it is no longer necessary for the purposes contemplated in the Notice and/or when there is no legal obligation on Loretta to maintain it.

6. Means to exercise the Rights of the Owner of Personal Data

The owner of the personal data may request the person in charge of Loretta, at any time, to access, rectify, cancel or correct their personal data (ARCO: Access to personal data; Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition thereof). To this end, the owner of the Personal Data must send a written request to the responsible person, which shall contain at least the following information:

  1. Name of the owner and address or other means of communicating the response to your request.
  2. Documents evidencing the identity or, where applicable, legal representation of the holder.
  3. A clear and precise description of the personal data in respect of which the exercise of the rights is sought.
  4. Any other element or document that facilitates the location of personal data, as well as any other document required by the legislation in force at the time of submission of the request.

The owner of the personal data has the right to request from the responsible person the changes or modifications required by email to or by mail or other written notice to the address Callejón de Las Pilas Fraccion A manzana 42 Lote 29 de la Colonia El Pedregal, de esta Ciudad de Cabo San Lucas, Municipality of Los Cabos, B.C.S. to the attention of Gustavo Andrés García Alvarado.

Such communication must comply with the applicable application requirements referred to in the previous section.

Any communication between the parties must be replied to within ten days with acknowledgement of receipt.


The owner of Personal Data may revoke the current consent to the handling of personal information at any time. For these purposes, the client must submit a request by e-mail to the following address or by mail or by written notice to the address Callejón de Las Pilas Fraccion A manzana 42 Lote 29 de la Colonia El Pedregal, de esta Ciudad de Cabo San Lucas, Municipality of Los Cabos, B.C.S. Such communication must comply with the applicable application requirements referred to in the previous section. Any communication between the parties must be replied to within ten days with acknowledgement of receipt.

8. Modifications to the Privacy Notice

Loretta reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice, in which case it will communicate such notice, through the Notice posted in a conspicuous place on Loretta's premises at its address mentioned above, or by means of a written notice to customers

9. Inquiries

For any doubts, comments or inquiries about this Notice, you may submit a request at the following address: Callejón de Las Pilas Fracción A manzana 42 Lote 29 de la Colonia El Pedregal, de ésta Ciudad de Cabo San Lucas, Municipio de Los Cabos, B.C.S., Telephone ________ to the attention of Gustavo Andrés García Alvarado. Any complaints or information about the processing of your personal data or questions regarding the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Regulations, can be made to the IFAI. For more information, visit Applicable Law: The interpretation and application of this Privacy Notice is governed by the Federal Law on the on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, the Federal Civil Code and other administrative provisions that are applicable laws and regulations. Consent: The Owner of the Personal Data expressly states that they have read the content of this Privacy Notice and have no opposition to it. This notice was published on November 22, 2023.



Callejón de las Pilas Manzana 42 Lote 86,
Centro, El Pedregal, 23453
Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S.
+521-624 129 9219

Make a reservation

Monday - Saturday

5:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

